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Explore real-life strategies, growth hacks, and proven marketing advice through powerful interviews with top leaders and retailers in the retail industry. Join Ashley Alderson, the Founder of The Boutique Hub, as she talks with retailers, boutiques, wholesale brands, vendors, and industry insiders. Discover the invaluable secrets that have propelled companies to success while maintaining a healthy balance between life and business. Embrace the spirit of Community over Competition, and uncover the next great idea or connection for your small business.


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May 28, 2024

Do you truly know your customer, and if so, why stop at selling just clothes or gifts? Why not expand your reach and become a one-stop shop? In this episode, Cindy Morris, President and CEO of Dallas Market Center, joins us to discuss the importance of understanding your customers deeply and managing a diverse product range effectively. Cindy shares the origins of the Dallas Market Center and explains its mission to connect buyers and sellers. She provides practical advice on setting your business apart from competitors and the incredible value of becoming a one-stop shop for your customers.


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Dallas Market Center: Website | Instagram 

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Ashley Alderson: Instagram 

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